Question 2:
Have you ever been told you have astigmatism?

Question 3:
Do you have to wear glasses/contacts for?

Question 4:
Have you had any of the following procedures on your eyes (LASIK, PRK, RK, CATARACT SURGERY)?

Question 5:
Do you suffer from multiple sclerosis, lupus, keratoconus or diabetic retinopathy?

Question 6:
Which location would work best for you?

Question 7:
What email should we send the results to?

Question 8:
What is your first name?

Question 9:
What is your last name?

Question 10 (the final one!):
What phone number can we call/text you at?
Unfortunately you are not a candidate for RLE due to your age (18 or under). If you entered this age by mistake, refresh the page and select your age again.
Unfortunately you are not a candidate for RLE due to having one of the pre-existing medical conditions listed. If you entered that you have one of those pre-existing conditions by mistake, refresh the page and select your choice again.